Profile Picture Álvaro Carvajal Castro

Backend Developer

01. About

My name is Alvaro. I am a software developer mainly interested in back-end, cybersecurity and blockchain. I am mostly interested on programming and weightlifting. I also like coding challenges (HackerRank and CodinGame mostly).

Experience information:

Academic information:

Programming related:

You can view my resume in the following languages: English. If you want to contact me you can do so by sending me an email to [email protected].

02. Projects

Below is a list of some of my public projects and working experience. You can find all of my public work on my Github profile. Keep in mind that some of my work is private and not available on Github.


Lead Developer

go php aws

SaaS Remote team synchronization tool. Timezone IANA database parsing, timezone synchronization for more than 339 timezones, timezone shapefile parsing for coordinates lookup in real-time (latitude and longitude based).

Backend made in using Laravel, timezone parser made in Go, it was deployed on AWS Beanstalk. Frontend with Vue.js.



Lead Blockchain Developer, Backend Developer

go evm solidity

Leading Blockchain development team. Focused on Ethereum and EVM compatible chains with a Go backend. Made smart contracts for land sales, NFTs, ERC20 tokens, handled more than 500.000 USD in transaction volume. Read more.

Implemented custom NFT and token ownsership model allowing users to quickly transfer ownership of their assets to between in-game and the blockchain.

Ravendawn Online

Ravendawn Online

Backend Developer, DevOps

go php aws

Backend development and server management. Handling multiple public facing servers handling more than 1 million monthly requests. Implemented Twitch API integration for streamers handling campaigns and drops with more than 45.000 viewers.

Handling payments with multiple gateways including Paypal and Stripe. Achieved high AWS SES deliverability rate sending more than 30.000 monthly emails.


Insta Container Modification

Fullstack Developer

go vue

Full website backend and frontend made in Go. Stripe integration for payments, real-time shipping quotes using UPS and DayAndRoss APIs.

Implemented dealer locator using Google Maps API. Dealers portal for managing orders and quotes. Simple CMS for managing pages and news.

Archlight Online

Archlight Online

Backend Developer

go aws

Full website backend and frontend made in Go. Implemented custom CMS for managing news, pages, and store items. Added multiple payment gateways for purchases, including Paypal, PIX, PagSeguro and Coinbase.

Systems handling more than 100.000 USD in monthly transactions during peak seasons. Backend handling more than 50.000 monthly users, reaching more than 1.000 concurrent users.